We spend a large part of the year wishing it was summer… and it’s finally here! At the time of writing we are currently having a disappointingly wet July but there is always hope for a better August. Long, warm sunny days, trips out and holidays, time spent visiting family and friends. Summer is a busy time and it can be difficult to stay on track with your usual well-being routines. You may need to reassess your goals to find the right balance. Summer well-being is not just being beach-body, bikini-ready, or in my case cagoule-ready for camping in the UK! The focus is a happy and healthy body and mind so here are my best well-being tips to keep you feeling cool and calm this summer.

It's a perfect time to be outdoors. Our environment has a direct influence on how we feel. What we see, hear and experience changes not just our mood but how the body works. Feelings of sadness or stress when in unpleasant surroundings cause elevated heart rate and blood pressure, suppression of the immune system and muscle tension. Take yourself to a pleasant environment and the opposite happens. In Japan in the 1980s, people were encouraged to walk in the woods for better health. The practice became known as Shinrinyoku or forest bathing. Research found that immersion in nature lowered levels of the stress hormone cortisol and was linked to the relief from symptoms of many health issues such as anxiety and depression. Of course, it’s not just forests where we can experience these benefits. Nature in all its forms has the power to heal. The coast or a landscape of mountains, moors, lakes, a local park or your own garden sanctuary.
We tend to be much more active in summer and if you like to work out, run or cycle then try and avoid being out in the hottest part of the day. Our body’s natural cooling system can start to fail with a combination of high temperatures and too much exercise. The result may be heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Keep well hydrated and listen to your body – if you feel dizzy, tired or nauseous, it’s time to call it a day.
Sleeping can be a struggle in hot, sticky weather. Keep your bedroom cool by closing the curtains during the day and then open a window when the air is cooler. Use natural fabrics such as linen or cotton for your bedding. Having a hot bath before bed may sound bonkers but your body temperature will decrease after you get out as your body adapts to the cooler environment. You’ll also feel more relaxed as an added bonus. Other tips include putting ice cubes in front of a fan and freezing your pillow case and putting it back on just before you get into bed.
Spending time with family and friends has an amazing positive influence on us and summer often provides the time and opportunity to gather for events and barbecues. Being with others reduces stress, depression and anxiety and helps to build confidence and self-esteem.

Summer is not without its stresses. High expectations of perfect holidays, airport chaos, keeping the kids entertained, an ever expanding to-do list. It’s important to take time out for yourself by keeping up with your self-care routine. Whether it is yoga practice, calming meditation or regular complementary therapy such as reflexology; make time for your well-being and have a very happy and healthy summer.